movie4k The Witches 2020 Movie Download In English
description - Tells the darkly humorous and heartwarming tale of a young orphaned boy (Jahzir Kadeem Bruno) who, in late 1967, goes to live with his loving Grandma (Octavia Spencer) in the rural Alabama town of Demopolis. The boy and his grandmother come across some deceptively glamorous but thoroughly diabolical witches, so Grandma wisely whisks our young hero away to an opulent seaside resort. Regrettably, they arrive at precisely the same time that the world's Grand High Witch (Hathaway) has gathered her fellow cronies from around the globe -- undercover -- to carry out her nefarious plans;
director - Robert Zemeckis;
Star - Octavia Spencer;
Another pointless, race-swapped, cgi-crammed, unoriginal remake of a timeless classic smh.
So hyped for this.
The old version is much better.
Atleast they forgave sam for losing the key cause colby said we lost the key instead of sam lost the key. Does anyone remember the 1990s version? That movie still gives me nightmares. Imagine if Japanese Spiderman genuinely showed up in the live action movie. No. No next time. This time it's your turn. Eagerly waiting for this.
Leave the original as it is. Why to make another sequel? The original was traumatizing and very good with actual makeup. This looks funnily fantasy rather than scary. No one: sam:QUIT EATING GUMMY BEARS. I rewatched this movie last year and wow, I really didn't remember it was so terryfing hahahha. It used to be on tv all the time here in Brazil. I've never knew that the witchs had german accent before this last view, it's a detail that got lost on the voice over. God i miss the original Witches movie, it was so scary and fun to watch. I love Anne Hathaway, but this accent is not her thing. Its funny this coming from the company that has spend multiple decades screwing over creators and still fighting not to compensate or acknowledge them until they are dead.
I'm more confused with this, than the WandaVision trailer. 1. I've neither read nor seen The Witches, but as a young child I did read The BFG and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and later Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator. (I also read Fantastic Mr. Fox in one of my classes last year.) It's the BFG that I keep returning to, though, because it's so casually about the death of children; the non-BFG giants eat children, and it's perfectly matter-of-fact. That's what I love about Dahl; his causalness approaching dark subjects. He treated his child readers maturely, and that was a good choice, if you ask me. 2. Not exactly a childhood book, but I was around thirteen when I read Betty Smith's A Tree Grows in Brooklyn for the first time, and while it's one of my favorite books of all time, it's still incredibly dark. It's not supernatural, but it confronts themes of death, alcoholism, poverty, and child abuse. It's only now that when I reread it I'm surprised it wasn't censored in its time (it was published in the 1940s, I believe...
This looks like another A Wrinkle in Time disaster. And if you're going to do a Witch movie, need to step up your game b/c Hocus Pocus from 30 years ago still holds up as one the all-time best witch movies. Is this legit? Or fan made. The first witches movies scared the living daylights out of me when I was younger. I doubt this one will be as scary.
Does anyone know where I can get one of those Formula 86s? I have a hit list that I could perfectly use this on 😂. The original is actually a pretty scary movie. The mouse scenes are cute as hell. The computer shit is blah. Maybe I'll watch it. I wonder if what was happening when they kept seeing shadows was they were having paredolia. its when your brain tries to fill in the gaps when given a vague stimulous. its hard to see in the dark so your brain tries to piece something together that is similar. idk, its just a theory edit: i got this from Letmexplainstudios video.
For anyone who hasn't watched the Original. They have it on Netflix.
Hahaha, Ronald Dahl would have hated this.
I'm not sure about Anne Hathaway with a weird accent turning children into mice. Watch ThE Witches full movie spoilers Download The English Full Episodes Online Free Download Searches related to watch The Witches online. So its basically a documentary, ok. His work was prolific for its whimsical charm, sarcastic sense of humor, and irony You may want to look up what prolific means.
I love both Don Siegel' original & Philip Kaufman's remake & appreciate the fact they're quite different certainly in their setting. I slightly prefer the original because I prefer the more intimate small town setting, the 70's remake is more expansive to an entire city. Both great films though. I love all the actors in this movie but some stuff just needs to stay classic! And the original was the absolute best with Angelica Houston. Plot twist : maybe just maybe laura aka the mini wolverine girl will have her own movie. I like the movies but this is a pretty terrible trailer. Whats your favourite alien invasion movie? Let me know in the comments.
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